When dreaming
about leaving home or at least going to college or university, many of us have
this unrealistic dream that we will be happy, make friends, be in charge of our
life, achieve success, have fun, and overall have a fabulous time. However, for far too many students, the
reality is different.
First of all,
many students moving away from home find that two changes at once (change in
education setting + change in housing) to be very difficult. Being from Québec myself, where students
typically try to remain at home, I can see why these two changes done at once
can be overwhelming. University learning
is VERY different from high school – there is a lot more freedom – most profs
do not notice when you miss a class, or will not ask why you missed one. You
will not be personally offered help if your grades seem to go down. And your mark, even if you believe the
contrary, will go down by at least 20 points from those of high school. The goal in first year university should be
to survive first year without flunking too many courses so that you are allowed
to continue. Living on your own (even if
in residence) is a huge step that many teenagers are eager to take, but this
huge step, combined with the different style of learning, is often too much at
Secondly, several
students find that university is not what it’s all cracked up to be: not
everyone is nice, relationships are frequent but so are breakups, there are one
night-stands that break your heart, drunk experiences that make you swear off
booze forever, and failed courses that make you rethink your major.
Third, it is easy
to lose your identity at university. In
high school, you were THE guy who could do physics and played football, or THE
girl who sang like an angel and could draw. But in university, studying what
you are talented at, you will be surrounded by others who are just as talented
or even more talented at the same thing(s) as you are. Even if you did not define yourself by your
talents, becoming a small fish in a big pond is difficult, very difficult. It’s like you lose that identity within a few
hours as you enter campus.
Finally, there is
all this freedom; you can go to bed whenever you want, eat whatever and
whenever you want, nobody checks that you are going to class, and unless you
ask for help, you will not receive it.
This amount of freedom, all at once, can leave you overwhelmed. There are also so many options for courses,
clubs (athletic and non-athletic), worship houses, and groups to join, it’s
First year
university can be very much overwhelming and a bad experience can either be
eye-opening (‘ok, I didn’t do well my first year, but now I know how to manage
and will handle it’) or devastating (‘University is not for me; I’ll go home
and get a job’). Be CAREFUL and AWARE:
know ahead of time that this can be difficult and be aware of the signs that
it’s not going well for you so you can ask for help: failed courses;
depression; completely out-of-character behaviour; reckless and/or dangerous
behaviour; health problems; loss of memory or difficulty concentrating;
purging; self-harm; desperation; binging; irrational thoughts; paranoia.
Additionally, do
not feel like a failure if moving away and starting college/university is too
much for you to do at once. Many
successful college and university graduates did not do well their first year;
many chose to stay home for post-secondary education (for various reasons);
many started, stopped, came home, and started again later (at home or
not). You may also be ready to move away
from home and be ready for post-secondary education but not be a good fit for
residence life or on-campus living.
In my opinion,
the way students move away to go to university is too much of a leap; learning
to live on your own AND attending post-secondary education is too much of a
jump to do at once and while it works for many students, many struggle; some
stick with it, and some have enough difficulties to leave with a sense of
failure. We don’t ask babies to learn to
roller-skate; we let them learn to walk well before we put them on wheels. The same strategy should prevail here: move away
and work OR start higher education, not both at once. This is not always possible, depending where
you live; however, with online courses being more and more available, a year of
online courses or at whatever post-secondary institution is local while living
at home may be possible; alternatively, moving away and working will teach you
about living on your own without the extra stress of performing in classes.
Finally, do not
let high school academic performance predict how you will perform in college or
university; the structure and delivery of university and college classes is
VERY different from that of high school.
As well, if you are a high achiever, the stress of performing well may
be too much combined with the stress of managing the rest of your life (room or
apartment, food, laundry and such, financial management, etc.). Take your time;
school will still exist in 2 or 10 years.
So will your first apartment or residence room.