You are soon heading back to school for another semester – yeah! One semester closer to finishing, you have
enjoyed a well-deserved break, have enjoyed your parents’ cooking (maybe!) and
have managed, perhaps, to catch up on sleep.
Ready for another semester, with more wisdom and experience that may
help make this semester an even better success than the last.
For many of us, the Winter Holidays mean having received some gift
cards. Most likely, these are gift cards
to store you like or shop at. The
temptation is most likely to ‘treat’ yourself to a bit (or a lot) of
indulgence, since these were meant as gifts, they can be spent on luxury,
right? well, yes, if you can afford it.
For many students, frugality is the only way to survive; money is tight
and in order to survive until the end of exams in April is to spend
wisely. Therefore, the gift cards can
come in handy and should be treated as cash. As well, most do not carry an
expiry date so there is no rush to spend them.
First, do NOT lose them; if this was cash, you would probably put it
carefully into your wallet. Do the same
with the gift cards; know where they are, make sure to carry term with you, and
write on the back how much money there is left on each.
Second, plan how to spend them.
They are restrictive because you obviously cannot buy groceries with
your Chapter’s card. However, you can
buy some textbooks and study aids with your Chapter’s card and you should check
ASAP which of your required texts can be ordered online with your bookstore
gift card.
Third, think about ‘need’ more than ‘want’; if you can predict you will
need a dress (ok, more a serious ‘want’ than a real need) for the formal in
March, save the clothing store gift card for February when you’ll start
shopping for your dress instead of blowing it on a cute sweater. Think of footwear as well: sandals or winter
boots are a must in Canada, and if yours are falling apart, they become ‘needs’
very fast.
Four: if you have a gift card to a department store, think housing: will
you need new sheets for your bed next school year? Towels, a coffee maker, a
toaster or a toilet brush? Most can be found in large department stores and
will be more appreciated than a recent DVD or video game.
Finally, think of your midterm or final exam period. Won’t that gift card to Tim’s or Starbucks be
a lifesaver when you are studying hard and need a boost? In January, you can
spend the time to make good coffee in residence or at home. In April, maybe not so much, and you may
appreciate a treat more than right now.
And yes, I just made holiday gifts a part of a well-balanced budget!
Happy New Year!
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